
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Get involved when it matters to the wounded for a change

From A Soldier's Perspective
Get Involved
February 25th, 2008 by CJ
Ladies and gentlemen, IVAW is working hard to revive the Winter Soldiers from the Vietnam era. The Vietnam Veterans Against War have started a new movement and recruited disaffected and sad excuses for veterans (I say that as a result of the number of "veterans" the organization claims that have been outed as fakes) to relive the glory days of spitting on the image of the honorable Soldier.

Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) has advertised widely that it will hold a public event it has entitled "Winter Soldier Investigation (WSI) - Iraq and Afghanistan" near Washington D.C. next month (Mar. 13-16). The event is self-consciously patterned after the 1971 Winter Soldier Investigation held in Detroit by the Vietnam Veterans Against the War(VVAW). During that event, over one hundred purported Vietnam veterans "testified" to widespread and horrific atrocities committed routinely by American forces in Vietnam. Now, they're trying to do it again. But, what can we do?

If you don't know what's going on your area because you're like most pro-troop people and you have a job, I highly encourage you to join the Gathering of Eagles. The motto of GOE is "Never Again". It's on their flag. It's in their blood. The Vietnam veterans in this country don't want a repeat of how they were treated when they returned. They want to put an end to the whitewash the media has bestowed on troop supporters' activities. You can read about my experience with the first ever Gathering of Eagles here, here, here, and here (preferably in that order).

go here for the rest

I will never understand comments like that last part posted. If you go there you can read the rest. What I don't understand and will never accept is that none of these people ever seem concerned with the way the veterans are really treated when they come home.

We can argue from coast to coast about Iraq and we can ignore the reality of what is happening to the wounded, but in doing so, it does a disservice to the men and women we spend the rest of the time arguing over.

I make no secret how I feel about Iraq but that is for my other blog. It has no place here. This blog is just for the way they are treated when they are wounded and need this entire nation standing up for their sake. Why doesn't the other side ever understand this?

I get hate mail from the other side. One commenter on this blog told me to take my bleeding heart liberal blah, blah, blah, as if that was supposed to make any sense at all. Since when was it considered wrong to care about the homeless veterans, the disabled veterans and PTSD veterans? Who decided that they should be exclusive rights of the right as if they ever even mention what is happening to the veterans?

Did they go ballistic over the conditions at Walter Reed or against the Washington Post reporting on it?

Did they go ballistic over the reports of suicides that didn't need to happen if the DOD and the VA were fully functional and geared up to deal with the wounded coming back or did they attack the reporters daring to report on this?

When I was working for the church, I hosted the showing of the documentary When I Came Home so that I could put a spotlight on PTSD and how many were ending up homeless, just like the Vietnam Veterans did. Back then, there was an excuse that no one really understood PTSD in the beginning, but now there really isn't an acceptable excuse for any of this to still be going on. Anyway, as the plans were coming together to show the documentary, some people at the church wanted to know why they were letting me show this when it was clearly political. Political? It was about our veterans coming back and being homeless because they were wounded by PTSD and could not support themselves.

How can anyone still say "support the troops" with a straight face when they clearly don't when it matters to them? Do they stop being worthy of support when they get wounded? Do they suddenly become less worthy of our attention when they are not deployed and risking their lives? What is wrong with these people who cannot or will not contact their Congressman or Senator to make sure all the wounded are cared for, the soldiers are paid enough their families don't have to go on food stamps or when they are last on the to do list of the President? Where is the outrage when the VA budget is cut back by Bush or in 2005 when he cut it back then with two active occupations producing more wounded? Where was the outrage when the DOD and the VA had to admit they had less doctors and nurses during these occupations than they did after the Gulf War in peacetime? Any clues? I don't have a single one.

Each time I get a heads up on some of these posts, I read them and wonder what exactly do these people think they are fighting for if they are not fighting for them when it matters to them?

I say "never again" should we allow any wounded veteran to come back to this country after fighting for this country and then have to fight the country to have their wounds taken care of!

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