
Monday, February 18, 2008

Gathering Of Eagles Demonstrating At Walter Reed?

I got a heads up on this from an email. At first I thought, hope of hopes, this would be about the way our wounded troops are being treated by this administration and how the wounded veterans are being treated. I thought, finally, they get the point that they can fight all they want to keep the troops in Iraq under whatever thoughts they have, but when it comes to the way we treat our veterans, this has to go beyond politics in order to really take care of them. After all, since the entire nation is upset over the way they are being neglected, this is something we can all manage to agree on. Right? Wrong. When I read it, I got sick to my stomach. It's the same old tired lines.

There is a misunderstanding about the events of March 15th. It’s not a major thing, but I think it bears clarification.

The current GOE newsletter contains a piece about our planned “Stand Up America” rally scheduled for 3/15. In view of the fact that Eagles Up has already done a lot of planning for their rally/march, GOE has relegated itself to a supporting role on that day, and we will not have a separate event. We will, of course, join Free Republic, EU, and other pro-America organizations at the demonstration at Walter Reed Army Hospital on Friday night.

Let’s all get behind Eagles Up and make March 15th a day to remember!

GOE is concentrating its efforts on the period in April that surrounds the expected testimony of General Petraeus. The moonbats threaten to disrupt Washington with their treasonous activities, and we just won’t allow that to happen. All brother and sister organizations are invited to join us in this event!

See you next month and in April! It’ll be an Eagle springtime…
Larry Bailey

The last time someone demonstrated at Walter Reed it was the "moonbats" who were doing it because Walter Reed was scheduled to be shut down. When will these people ever get it? When will they understand that when they treat Bush as if he were some kind of God instead of holding him accountable, they are hurting the troops instead of helping them. How they can ever think it does anything for morale when they are wounded and then have to fight the government to have their wounds taken care of and to get the support they really need, shows how narrow their support really is.

Why can't they at least join the rest of this nation in trying to get them all taken care of?

Readers of this blog know how bad it is for them. They know about the suicides, the PTSD rates, the depleted uranium illnesses, the backlog of claims along with the rest of it. The problem is you won't find any of these reports on any of the sites operated by any of them. They would rather show up and demonstrate at Walter Reed because the majority of this nation wants to hold Bush accountable for what he has failed to do as Commander-in-Chief. It really is a shame because most of them are great people. They just have blinders over their eyes and cannot see what kind of support the troops, especially the wounded really need.

They would call me a "moonbat" and as a matter of fact they have. Because of the work I do, the political side I take because I am aware of all that comes with these two occupations, I am like the rest of the people they call their enemy. It doesn't matter how hard I fight for the wounded and for the veterans, if I disagree with them on other things. I'm not welcomed among them. To me the troops and the veterans come first and anyone not taking care of them is not supporting them. But they can't see it that way. It really is a shame. With them, it's all or nothing.

I tried to join several of their online groups and either got a "no thank you" or no answer at all. That was in a time when I thought they really wanted to help the troops and the veterans. After 25 years you would think they would welcome the support I could offer. After all, I keep my politics out of the PTSD work I do and focus only on them but that isn't enough for these people. Too bad they can't keep their politics out of it as well when it comes to actually living up to a grateful nation. I'll keep trying to get them to understand that the problems they face are so huge that it will take this entire nation to stand by their side to make sure they are all taken care of. One day, they may manage to see that and at least join with the rest of the nation for the sake of those we send to risk their lives. It's something we all owe them.

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