
Saturday, February 2, 2008 wants to know too

I feel honored they picked this up.

Presidential Candidates: Stop telling us what to value when you ...
US soldiers serving repeated Iraq deployments are 50 percent more likely than those with one tour to suffer from acute combat stress, raising their risk of post-traumatic stress disorder, according to the Army's first survey exploring ... - Impeach... -
This is what I added when I posted it on SanchoPress
My husband and I are a military family along with our daughter. You'd never know it because he has been out of the military since 1972. He came home in 1971. He paid the price since he was in Vietnam and I paid the price when I fell in love with him and our daughter paid the price being born to us. Jack is one men who served because he wanted to. He wanted to be like his father. He didn't believe in what was being done in Vietnam, but he knew he'd be drafted as soon as he got out of high school. So he dropped out and had his Mom sign him up. My family has been living with PTSD and this very proud veteran who happens to be 100% disabled by PTSD.

My Dad was a Korean War vet. He paid the price being 100% disabled. My uncles were Korean War veterans and WWII veterans. My husband's father was a WWII veteran and so where his brothers. My husband's nephew was a Vietnam veteran, also service connected PTSD until he took his own life.

That's what most of us forget. We see the new generation and hear the stories of their families but we forget there are other generations out there with stories to tell, lives to live while suffering and futures to worry about. I've been attacked by people telling me I had no right to my opinion and told by some of the people running to replace Bush, that I was a traitor because I dared to speak of what they were getting wrong. I listened to men like Hannity and O'Reilly and Rush say that people like me had no right to "go against the troops" at the same time people like me had been fighting for them long before Iraq was invaded, long before Afghanistan was invaded and long before they were given a microphone and an audience to attack people like me.

I've been attacked on line, first called a "hero and a true patriot" for the videos I've done on PTSD because the "love I had for the troops was obvious" until they read my political blog. I was then attacked for being against the same troops by those who called me a "true patriot" before. I was attacked by veterans with PTSD because while they wanted to read more about what I had to say about PTSD, they didn't want to read "my political rants" so I started a separate blog just for PTSD to not "offend" them and their sensitivity.

Now there is no hiding the fact that everything people "like me" were complaining about, all the things we were attacked for daring to say, have not only been proven true, they were left alone to grow larger instead of being addressed. Why people vote for any of these people, defend any of these people, invest one single dime on any of their campaigns, is beyond belief. It's not the Republicans who "value the military" because they have proven they only value the contractors once they get into office. The Democrats, well at least they try to do something for the sake of the troops and their families and the veterans. Yet when I hear their speeches, I can't help but wonder if they ever really hear any of us when they are using us.

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