
Monday, January 7, 2008

O'Reilly now denies veterans are homeless too?

Excuse my language here but I can't help it. What the hell is wrong with this bastard? First he denies soldiers are being sent back into combat with PTSD and a pocket full of pills. Then he denies veterans are homeless. He went on to talk about illegal aliens sending money back home? What country deserves to have this bastard living in it because it certainly isn't this one? He gets paid how much to slander our troops and veterans? What is he trying to prove? Does he think if he says it isn't so, it suddenly goes away? What about his responsibility in all of this with his huge paycheck and audience?

Readers of this blog know what PTSD. They know how many suicides there have been because of PTSD. They know how many homeless people there are and they know what causes them to be homeless. They are aware! O'Reilly lives in a land of his own making.

I'm tired of this man saying whatever he wants and never, ever having to face those he attacks and denies their existence instead of helping them.

What if every service organization across the country dealing with the homeless veterans writes to FOX and demands he apologize for this? How about every family member who has had a son or daughter deployed back into combat with diagnosed PTSD and prescriptions do the same? What if the thousands upon thousands of family members who have had a son or daughter commit suicide because of PTSD and service to this country do the same? How about they get joined by the hundreds of thousands of people dedicating their lives to helping these people do the same? Can FOX news allow any of this bastard's ranting to go on unchallenged?

O'Reilly and FOX have a responsibility to their viewers. It is one thing to not report on what is going on which they do consistently but another to lie about it.

From Crooks and Liars
O’Reilly Slams Edwards For Standing Up For Homeless Veterans
By: billw on Sunday, January 6th, 2008 at 3:05 PM - PST

On Friday, Billo showed off his pundit wisdom idiocy following the Iowa caucus and went after John Edwards for saying the US should be taking better care of our veterans.
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O’Reilly: As for John Edwards, Good grief! this guy has no clue. (plays clip)
Edwards: … and tonight, 200,000 men and women who wore our uniform proudly and served this country courageously as veterans will go to sleep under bridges and on grates. We are better than this. (see Edward’s speech here)

O’Reilly: That was Edwards’ concession speech last night. I mean, come on. The only thing sleeping under a bridge is that guy’s brain. 10 million illegal alien workers are sending billions of dollars back home and Edwards is running around saying nobody has any money. Hard to believe.

Billo, who has a history of insulting veterans, just dismissed outright the plight of homeless men and women who have served in our nation’s military and implied that they don’t even exist. To mask his callous indifference he threw out illegal immigration as a red herring and insulted Edwards by saying he “has no clue.” Well, as usual, Falafel Boy is the one who desperately needs to get a clue.

In 2006, approximately 195,827 veterans were homeless on a given night—an increase of 0.8 percent from 194,254 in 2005. More veterans experience homeless over the course of the year. We estimate that 336,627 were homeless in 2006.

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Here is the email I just sent.

I was shocked to hear O'Reilly deny our veterans are homeless. I've worked in veteran's outreach for 25 years and this is beyond pathetic. In O'Reilly's failed attempt to go after John Edwards, he ended up attacking homeless veterans in this county and all veterans who have served this nation. Denying the problem exists may allow him to sleep peacefully in his luxurious surroundings, blissfully thinking he deserves any of it but at the same time veterans are homeless and sleeping in boxes, under bridges and fighting their way into shelters that just don't have enough room for them. Half of the homeless veterans have PTSD, a war wound which is something O'Reilly will never have to worry about because it requires a person to have a soul first and be brave enough to serve this nation, willing to lay down their lives for the sake of the people in this nation. It requires a conscience which O'Reilly apparently lacks. Wasn't it bad enough that O'Reilly and Hunt denied the soldiers were being sent back into combat with medication for PTSD? I wonder how many lives could have been saved had he addressed the problem instead of denying it? I wonder how many homeless veterans would be taken care of if O'Reilly addressed the problem instead of denying it? Can you think of a better way for him to spend a fraction of his money or inspire his viewers to do the same than to help take care of these forgotten veterans?

Kathie Costos

"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation."

- George Washington


  1. It is pretty shocking what a tremendous a*hole Bill O'Reilly is. Even more shocking to know that he's a graduate of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, in their mid-career program. You would think that might have been a broadening experience for him, but apparently nothing gets a wedge in there...Disgusting.

  2. O'Reilly is absolutely disgusting. Thanks for the comment. You'd think that with all his money and power, writing books claiming he's looking out for the "little guy" he would have some clue about what the "little guy" is going through. You'd really think that since FOX is supposed to be the Baron of the military, they end up begin barren when it comes to caring about any of them. This is not the first time he proved he doesn't care at all and is one of the most uninformed mouth pieces on cable with an equally uninformed opinion on everything. He attacked the report soldiers were being sent back into combat who had already been diagnosed with PTSD instead of finding out what the truth was and doing something about it. Imagine being in Iraq knowing what they just did to you and then hear O'Reilly say that it's hogwash. The only grace in all of this is that homeless veterans don't get cable TV.


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