
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hunt now saying O'Reilly "putting news making muscle" to homeless veterans

HUNT BURIED HIS HEAD UP O'REILLY ASS On Homeless Vets WTF Now they are trying to spin this like O'Reilly was the one to bring this into the public's mind as some kind of champion of justice instead of pervert of the century?
At last, people with some political and news-making muscle are talking about a true American tragedy: homeless veterans. On his radio and TV shows, Bill O'Reilly commented on Sen. John Edward's remarks on the plight of homeless veterans.
That cantankerous SOB is now trying to spin this? It's as bad as when he and O'Reilly not only denied troops were being sent back into Iraq and Afghanistan already diagnosed with PTSD, but they made fun of it saying what a danger that would be to the rest of the troops. They claimed there was no way possible this was happening. This at the same time the DOD admitted to doing it after the Hartford Courant reporters uncovered the truth. Worthless scum! How much money do these buffoons make for lying? Why would anyone listen to them at all after this? I really hope and pray every homeless veteran and PTSD veteran from the National Guard to the Marines go down to that studio and let them know how they feel about this! Good Lord!
NamGuardianAngel :: HUNT BURIED HIS HEAD UP O'REILLY ASS On Homeless Vets
No Homes For Our Soldiers By Col. David Hunt
Upfront, if this does not piss you off, finally get you off your butts, run outside naked while screaming mad, make you paint your face and do a protest dance in front of the White House, then my friends, you are dead from the neck up - and you need to forever stop saying you care for soldiers or, for that matter, your own freedoms.
At last, people with some political and news-making muscle are talking about a true American tragedy: homeless veterans. On his radio and TV shows, Bill O'Reilly commented on Sen. John Edward's remarks on the plight of homeless veterans. Time for some background.
I am not an expert on much of anything, but I have experience in some things. I have volunteered in homeless shelters for over 30 years all over the country, depending on where I was assigned. The homeless are the ugly underbelly of this great country.,2933,324948,00.html
If he isn't an expert on anything then why does he keep talking and getting paid for it? If he did "volunteer in a homeless shelter" then was it a pet shelter? Why the hell didn't he come out swinging against O'Reilly instead of doing this then if he had any kind of conscience at all?
Do you hate Bill O'Reilly
YES Most of the time Only when you hear his voice NO Did you have a mental breakdown?

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