
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Dr. Sally Satan, is the Bush administration's EXPERT on PTSD

New VA finding: No liberal biased news limits PTSD stressors!
by Robert L. Hanafin, SP/5, U.S. Army (69-76)

The Deportment of Veterans Affairs (VA) yep, I spelled it correctly) says that Military Families and Troops that watch or listen to less ‘bad’ news from sensationalized media programs about Iraq limit their exposure to PTSD stressors.

Say what? Let us get this straight. If my military family listens to or watches only good news (meaning positive or optimistic NOT necessarily accurate or GOOD quality news, because there is no such thing) the brilliant Shrinks and Mental Health professionals at the VA assure us that we will endure less PTSD stressors. Hum-O-Ky-dokey!.

One more time, because my military family doesn't quite grasp this new VA finding. As long as we, hear of negative news on Iraq, see no negative news on Iraq, and touch no negative news on Iraq, we won't need to seek Life Skills, (I meanMental Health) treatment. I'm sorry but I just have to put that in the same catagory as VA PTSD rap sessions for all Vets, not just Iraq and Afghanistan...

At the NEOCON run VA, the first rule of PTSD treatment is to not talk politics (meaning anything that is negative about the war is TABOO, however anything that is negative about your part in it, go for it.) Point: I've seen with my own eyes, and heard with my own ears what VA PTSD raps sessions are really about. Ensuring patients continue to support the Iraq War as they seek a PTSD cure. Wo-We could make that into a hit song or at least PTSD poetry.

I tend to agree with Mark Twain when it comes to ‘the media,’ either of his day or ours. Twain most likely knew PTSD as "irritable heart" during the 19th century following the War Between the States. During WWI symptoms and stigma associated with PTSD was called Soldier’s Heart.

“A private should preserve a respectful attitude toward his superiors, and should seldom or never proceed so far as to offer suggestions to his general in the field. By the etiquette of war, it is permitted to none below the rank of newspaper correspondent to dictate to the general in the field.” Mark Twain - "The Benefit of Judicious Training," 6/8/1881

"If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed." Mark Twain on Newspapers.

“ should be gentle with the ignorant, for they are the chosen of God.” Mark Twain - Letter to W. D. Howells, 5/12/1899

With the humor of Mark Twain in mind, that is about how serious I take it when the Department of Veterans Affairs says that Military, “Families should minimize exposure to anxiety-arousing media related to the war. News programs often emphasize fearful content and frightening images to create a "story." Watching a lot of TV news programs, for example, can create needless distress. When children worry about war, let them know that the war is far away. Acknowledge children's fears, and let them know that parents, teachers, and police are here to protect them.”

I personally believe that what ‘the management’ of the VA meant to say way, “Limit exposure to news media programs that are not screened, monitored, and controlled by If the media refuses to paint a rosy picture of Iraqinam, boycott it. IBEWARE the doom sayers of CBS, PBS, plus any other mainstream media outlet that does not enforce the Pentagon/VA picture of the war President Bush and enough members of Congress sent you to fight and die in and ‘maybe, just MAYBE’ you will limit your exposure to PTSD stressors.” COME ON NOW PEOPLE, the following had former House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Steve Buyers and American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Doctor Phil (oops I mean) Sally Satel's behind the scenes stench all over it.

EVERY American Veteran knows who Steve Buyer is, IF you are a Vet who does not know who Dr. Sally is or what the American Enterprise Institute is. The AEI for Public Policy Research is one of the oldest and most influential of the pro-business right-wing think tanks. It promotes the advancement of free enterprise capitalism, and has been extremely successful in placing its people in influential governmental positions, particularly in the Bush Administration. AEI has been described as one of the country's main bastions of neoconservatism.

Dr. Sally, is the Bush administration's EXPERT on PTSD, with 'too many' PTSD fraud 'conspiracy' theorys [She really sounds more like a UFO expert, EXCEPT UFO experts have more credibility.] She adores B.G. Burkett, the Texas associate of the Bush mob, and she TOO OFTEN quotes FACT from Burkett's fake Vet book, Stolen Valor. Dr. Sally looksdown on Vietnam Vets unless they fit Stolen Valor's criteria.

click post title for the rest

When it comes to PTSD, Sally Satel is really Satan. Look her up the next time you have a chance to see what I'm talking about. She and AEI have been talking up a storm on how PTSD is fake and all the veterans, at least most of them, are "out to suck off the system" instead of being wounded. How Satel would explain that PTSD has been documented before there was any kind of veterans care is never entering into their brain cells. The "expert" Satel seems to ignore all the evidence going back to Ancient Greek and Rome as well. If you want to know why the system sucks so bad for our veterans, start with Satel and go from there.

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