
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bill O'Reilly proves once again he doesn't give a shit

O'Reilly inconsistent on role of government in addressing vets' homelessness
Summary: Bill O'Reilly took inconsistent positions during the January 17 edition of The O'Reilly Factor on the role of the government in addressing the problem of homelessness among veterans, highlighted by John Edwards. O'Reilly said, "Certainly there are homeless veterans, but it's not because of the economy. It's mostly because of addiction and mental illness, something politicians can do little about." But when National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse president Joseph Califano later told O'Reilly that "the real tragedy here is most of those veterans have had combat experience that are suffering from drug and alcohol problems and mental health problems. And we are not taking care of them," O'Reilly replied: "And that is something that should be addressed."
go here for the rest

First O'Reilly slams the fact soldiers are being sent back into combat already diagnosed with PTSD and given medications that need to monitored. Didn't matter to him the report from the Hartford Courant was based on a report from the DOD.

This came after he denied every fact put out about the propaganda regarding the decision to invade Iraq in the first place, the history of first hand qualified accounts from 1991 by the people who were responsible for the Gulf War laying all of what happened as reason to not do it, all the way up to facts and admissions that there were no plans for after the invasion.

Now O'Reilly slammed for his callous, uninformed denial there were homeless veterans at all, followed up by admission there were, he then trumped it with they are all drunks, drug addicts and mental cases but it had nothing to do with the economy.

Stick a pin in his head and let out all that hot air keeping it inflated.

Half of the homeless are and have been connected to PTSD and all that comes with having it be untreated. The drugs and alcohol are used to kill off feelings they don't want to have. They use it to try to fight against the nightmares, flashback, calm the twitches. The other half are there because they cannot find jobs. National Guard families have found they no longer have incomes equal to what they made in civilian life and cannot afford to pay their bills while they are deployed. We're not talking about a month or two but over a year deployed. While Bill gets paid big bucks to shoot his mouth off, it's very hard for him to understand not being able to pay a mortgage or rent payment because they are serving the nation deployed in an occupation prolonged because people like O'Reilly have been shooting off their huge mouths instead of reporting facts.

For them it's not just a one shot deal but they go back over and over again. Employers are either laying off or closing down their businesses. The jobs are not there when they come back. Add into that many of them owned their own business. Being away for a year does not inspire customer loyalty because they cannot wait for a plumber they trust to come back and fix a leak or for an electrician to return to increase the power to the house to be able to put in their new toys.

Back to those who are on drugs and drinking, O'Reilly denied the "government" can do anything about this or for the mentally ill. How much money does O'Reilly think the government is "wasting" because they cannot do anything about the problem he thinks they don't have?

O'Reilly just keeps proving he doesn't give a shit about any veteran or anyone in need. After all he considers them as unworthy of being viewers of his in the first place. Why else would he keep insulting them if he thought any of them or their families watched his stupid show in the first place? Maybe he thinks they are just too dumb to get him? Too bad their too smart to waste their time watching him and in reality, he's just too self absorbed to notice.

I wonder what will happen when the Democrats are in control for real and the rest of the nation gets as pissed off as we are about what's been happening while O'Reilly made sure it was business as usual?

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