
Monday, November 19, 2007

UK and Post Conflict Trauma

£12.5m to treat 1000 soldiers at the Priory for post-traumatic ...
Daily Mail - UK
Last updated at 01:28am on 19th November 2007
Comments (2) More than 1,000 British troops have been counselled at the private Priory clinics at a cost to the taxpayer of £12.5million over the last four years.
The soldiers have been admitted with 'post-conflict trauma' after experiencing horrors in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The bill works out at an average of £10,000 per serviceman.

Tory defence spokesman Liam Fox said: "This shows not only the enormous human cost of the conflicts but is a testament to the failure of the Government's duty to provide a Defence Medical Service that is able to deliver the standard of care our forces have the right to expect."

Shaun Rusling, of the National Gulf Veterans and Families Association, said:
"It is the Government's responsibility to look after them, not the private sector."

The cost has been revealed in papers released by the Ministry of Defence under Freedom of Information laws.

The Priory won the contract to care for troops from the MoD's Duchess of Kent Psychiatric Hospital in Catterick, North Yorkshire, where costs ran to £10million in its final year of operation.
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It is not just the responsibility of the UK government to take care of their wounded,,,,,but the duty of every country before they send the first pair of boots to get onto a plane! If they don't plan for the wounded, they fail the wounded.

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