
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Soldiers cheating to stay on duty

Military looks to curb TBI test cheating

By Gregg Zoroya - USA Today
Posted : Wednesday Nov 7, 2007 10:43:32 EST

Troops in Iraq and elsewhere have tried to avoid being pulled out of combat units by cheating on problem-solving tests that are used to spot traumatic brain-injury problems, military doctors say.

New versions of the tests were sent into Iraq late last month to prevent the cheating, said Air Force Lt. Col. Michael Jaffee of the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center in Washington, D.C.

“With highly motivated individuals, be they athletes, be they our service members in harm’s way, there is a motivation to stay with the unit and stay on the job or stay in the game,” he said.

The tests, administered by medics in the field, are the military’s primary means of uncovering subtle signs of brain injuries from exposure to blasts.

click post title for the rest

NOW HERE THIS! They do not agree with why they are in Iraq or if they should be there at all, but what they all agree on is staying with their "brothers and sisters" right by their side. Think about that. Think about what these men and women have in them that would cause them to cheat on TBI tests to see if they have been wounded or not because they do not want to leave them. This is the same bunch of fine individuals who define hero. They had this in them the day they were born. They are not cheating on a test to go home. They are cheating to stay.

These are the same soldiers who come home and then have to fight the government to have their wounds taken care of and their families provided for when they can no longer do it on their own.

These are the types of men and women this government turned their backs on, refusing to provide for all of their wounds to be willingly taken care of. All they asked of this nation is to take care of the wounded and the families of the fallen. We couldn't even manage to do that for them.

They come back with PTSD wounded minds and then we make them fight us, fight to prove the wound is real, fight to have the benefits they were promised and then we make them fight to prove they are not just trying to "suck off the system" we pay for. Please tell me how any of us could not keep from protesting at the steps of congress to make sure they are all taken care of. Please tell me how it is that we're not all out in masses protesting the way they have been treated as passionately as we want them all home. Because if we do not do this then we are asking them to come home only to be abandoned. Then maybe you can tell me how it is this government was allowed to disregard any of these men and women in the first place.

Kathie Costos

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