
Friday, November 2, 2007

New Video pokes fun at suicide

It really is sickening what some people think is funny. This video is about a young man after a failed suicide attempt. His "best friend" comes to visit him and complains. Not about the fact his best friend tried to kill himself, but because his suicide note was filled with grammatical errors. It turns out his biggest complaint was that he was not given anything in the note. He hands his friend a new piece of paper and a different color pen so that his pal can get started on a new suicide note.

This is supposed to be funny? I wonder what the people at Crooked Mouth could have done if they tried to do something helpful for people finding themselves so lost they try to commit suicide or for the families left behind those who succeeded at it? I'm sure they will enjoy a large group of people watching this video and laughing without one single thought about the expense other people will pay for this dark attempt at humor.
Kathie Costos

I hate to put up the link to this piece but I doubt anyone would belive there are people out there thinking suicide is funny. This offers nothing to seeking a solution, a helpful suggestion or anything to people suffering.

Suicide Note (User Video)
Next time get it right.
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